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Invoke a client js function in Meteor after getting results from the server



I'm trying to see how can I invoke a js function after the client gets a result from a Meteor method call. The only thing I was able to get is to invoke the function myFunc only on the client that made the actual method call. Any thoughts how i can invoke the function on all the currently subscribed clients?

here is the code:

function myFunc(error, result)  {
if (Meteor.is_client) {

  Template.container.events = {
    'click input' : function () {
      if (typeof console !== 'undefined')
        console.log("You pressed the button");

if (Meteor.is_server) {
  Meteor.startup(function () {
    // code to run on server at startup

  someMethod: function() {
    return "something";


like image 875
Gavriguy Avatar asked Apr 23 '12 04:04


2 Answers

Currently you can't broadcast a method call to all clients directly. At least as far as I can tell. But a work around would be to create a collection called Alerts and monitor it for changes. Then when you want to send a message to all your users you can change the document in Alerts:


Alerts = new Meteor.Collection("alerts")

Meteor.autosubscribe(function() {
    added: function(item){ 


Alerts = new Meteor.Collection("alerts")

Meteor.publish("alerts", function(){

Alerts.remove({}); // remove all
Alerts.insert({message: "Some message to show on every client."});
like image 169
greggreg Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 08:10


Another option is using Meteor Stream package which purpose is to avoid using a mongodb collection on the server side. It does supports client to clients, server to clients, client to server AND server to servers messaging, including a support for Meteor Cluster

If you want to stay with meteor only using collections, the following code allows you to either broadcast a message from the client to all the clients or a message from the server to all the subscribed clients. Just use this mechanism to then fire a function on the client side once the right message is received. The code is made in such a way that you will never have useless items remaining into the collection.

Messages = new Meteor.Collection("messages");

if (Meteor.isClient) {


    var query = Messages.find({});
    var handle = query.observe({
        added: function(document)

    // Test the mechanism from the client side
    Meteor.call("client talked");

if (Meteor.isServer) {
    Meteor.startup(function() {

    Meteor.publish("messages", function()
        // you might add an optional filter in order to broadcast only the messages you want to the client
        return Messages.find();

    function talk(message)
                    var id = Messages.insert({"message":message});

                talk: function(message)
                    // you might filter here if the clients can talk using this.userId

    // test the mechanism from the server side
    talk("server talked");
like image 45
Flavien Volken Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 10:10

Flavien Volken