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InversifyJS Injecting Literal Constructor Parameters

Is it possible to get the below behaviour with InversifyJS:

constructor(IDependency resolvedDependency, string myLiteral)
                        ^                          ^
                Automatically resolve      Defined Literal

If so, what's the best way to go about it?

like image 754
Simon Hardy Avatar asked May 25 '16 14:05

Simon Hardy

1 Answers

There are a few things that you can do. Here I will post a few of them...

Injecting the literal as a constant value

let TYPES = {
    IWarrior: Symbol("IWarrior"),
    IWeapon: Symbol("IWeapon"),
    rank: Symbol("rank")

interface IWeapon {}

class Katana implements IWeapon {}

interface IWarrior {
    weapon: IWeapon;
    rank: string;

class Warrior implements IWarrior {
    public weapon: IWeapon;
    public rank: string;
    public constructor(
        @inject(TYPES.IWeapon) weapon: IWeapon,
        @inject(TYPES.rank) rank: string
    ) {
        this.weapon = weapon;
        this.rank = rank;

let kernel = new Kernel();

Injecting the literal based on the context

Using contextual constraints you could inject a constant value for a particular context:

let kernel = new Kernel();

    .whenTargetTagged("rank", "master");

      .whenTargetTagged("rank", "student");

let master = kernel.getTagged(TYPES.IWarrior, "rank", "master");
let student = kernel.getTagged(TYPES.IWarrior, "rank", "student");

injecting a factory

let TYPES = {
    IWarrior: Symbol("IWarrior"),
    IWeapon: Symbol("IWeapon"),
    IFactoryOfIWarrior: Symbol("IFactory<IWarrior>")

interface IWeapon {}

class Katana implements IWeapon {}

interface IWarrior {
    weapon: IWeapon;
    rank: string;

class Warrior implements IWarrior {
    public weapon: IWeapon;
    public rank: string;
    public constructor(
        @inject(TYPES.IWeapon) weapon: IWeapon
    ) {
        this.weapon = weapon;
        this.rank = null; // important!

let kernel = new Kernel();

    .toFactory<IWarrior>((context) => {
        return (rank: string) => {
            let warrior = context.kernel.get<IWarrior>(TYPES.IWarrior);
            warrior.rank = rank;
            return warrior;

let warriorFactory = kernel.get<inversify.IFactory<IWarrior>>(TYPES.IFactoryOfIWarrior);

let master = warriorFactory("master");
let student = warriorFactory("student");

You can inject factories into other classes:

class Army {
    private _warriorFactory: (rank: string) => IWarrior;
    private _soldiers: IWarrior[];
    public constructor(
        @inject(TYPES.IFactoryOfIWarrior) warriorFactory: (rank: string) => IWarrior
    ) {
        this._warriorFactory = warriorFactory;
        this._soldiers = [];
    public newRecruit(rank: string) {

I think that the best solution is to use a factory.

like image 101
Remo H. Jansen Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 15:11

Remo H. Jansen