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Inverse relation not set (in KVO handler)

I have a very strange problem with inverse relations in Core Data, and I have managed to reduce my problem to a minimal example, starting from a new project in xcode based on the window template with support for Core Data (i.e., there's very little there).

Suppose we have a Core Data model with three entities: Department, Employee, and DepartmentSummary (some sort of entity representing some statistics about the department). For simplicity's sake, we have only one-to-one relations:

DepartmentSummary   Department        Employee
                    employee  <---->  department
department  <---->  summary

This is all there is in the model. In application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: we create an employee and a department and set up KVO:

NSManagedObject* employee = 
   inManagedObjectContext:[self managedObjectContext]];
[employee addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"department" options:0 context:nil];

NSManagedObject* department = 
    inManagedObjectContext:[self managedObjectContext]];
[department setValue:employee forKey:@"employee"];

The purpose of the KVO handler is to create a summary for the department as soon as the employee's department is set:

- (void) observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath 
                         change:(NSDictionary *)change 
                        context:(void *)context 
     [self createSummary:object];

createSummary is simple: it creates a new summary object and associates it with the department, and then checks that the inverse relation from the department to the summary object is also set:

- (void) createSummary:(NSManagedObject*)employee 
    NSManagedObject* department = [employee valueForKey:@"department"];
    NSManagedObject* summary = 
       inManagedObjectContext:[self managedObjectContext]];

    [summary setValue:department forKey:@"department"];

    NSAssert([department valueForKey:@"summary"] == summary, 
             @"Inverse relation not set");

This assertion fails. Indeed, if we print the department and summary objects after the summary's department has been set, we get

entity: DepartmentSummary; 
    id: ..DepartmentSummary/..AA14> ; 
  data: { 
    department = "..Department/..AA13>";

for the summary, as expected, but

entity: Department; 
    id: ..Department/..AA13> ; 
  data: {
    employee = "..Employee/..AA12>";
    summary = nil;

for the department (with a nil summary). If however we delay the call to createSummary so that it doesn't run until the next iteration of the runloop:

- (void) observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath 
                         change:(NSDictionary *)change 
                        context:(void *)context 
     [self performSelector:@selector(createSummary:) 

then everything works as expected.

Delaying the assertion instead does not help: the inverse relation really does not get set in the object graph, though it does get set in the database (if you were to save the database, and restart the app, now all of a sudden the inverse relation appears).

Is this a bug in Core Data? Is this documented behaviour which I have missed? Am I using Core Data in ways it was not intended?

Note that the KVO handler gets called while Core Data is (automatically) setting an(other) inverse: we manually set the department's employee field, Core Data automatically sets the employee's department field, and that in turn triggers the KVO handler. Perhaps that is just too much for Core Data to handle :) Indeed, when we set

[employee setValue:department forKey:@"department"];

instead, everything again works as expected.

Any pointers would be appreciated.

like image 957
edsko Avatar asked Aug 19 '11 16:08


1 Answers

This is a classic Core Data problem. The docs specifically state:

Since Core Data takes care of the object graph consistency maintenance for you, you only need to change one end of a relationship and all other aspects are managed for you.

However, in practice this is a bald-faced lie, in that it is unreliable.

My answers to your questions is thus:

Is this a bug in Core Data?


Is this documented behaviour which I have missed?


Am I using Core Data in ways it was not intended?


You have already provided the "correct" solution to your problem, the same solution which I use every single time I change relationship values in every single Core Data app I make. For literally hundreds of cases, the recommended pattern is:

[department setValue:employee forKey:@"employee"];
[employee setValue:department forKey:@"department"];

ie, set the relationship inverse yourself whenever you change the relationship.

Someone may have more light on this subject, or a more canon form for working around your issue, but in my experience there is no way to guarantee that a relationship is actively available unless it is manually established (as your problem shows). More importantly, this solution also has two other benefits:

  1. It works 100% of the time.
  2. It makes the code more readable.

The last point is counter-intuitive. On the one hand, it seems to complicate the code and make it longer by adding lines to what could be, according to the docs, a short, one-line call. But in my experience what it does is save a trip by the programmer to the Core Data editor to visually hunt down and confirm model relationships, which is more valuable time-wise. It's better to be clear and explicit vs having a mental-model of what is supposed to happen when changing a relationship.

I would also suggest adding a simple category to NSManagedObject:

@interface NSManagedObject (inverse)

- (void)setValue:(id)value forKey:(NSString *)key inverseKey:(NSString *)inverse;


@implementation NSManagedObject (inverse)

- (void)setValue:(id)value forKey:(NSString *)key inverseKey:(NSString *)inverse {
    [self setValue:value forKey:key];
    [value setValue:self forKey:inverse];


as in:

[department setValue:employee forKey:@"employee" inverse:@"department"];

there are a few cases to expand upon that category but I would handle, for example, deletion in a different fashion altogether.

In short: handle all your own relationships explicitly every time. Core Data is not trustworthy in this regard.

like image 159
SG1 Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 03:11