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InvalidCastException from List<T> to IEnumerable<T> only in 3.5

If i call that

var list = new List<Class1>();


public interface Interface1


public static void Test(IEnumerable<Interface1> test)


public class Class1 : Interface1


I get an InvalidCastException with the 3.5 framework, but in 4 and 4.5 it's ok. And I don't understand why, both have IEnumerable

If I check the list in 3.5 and 4.5 I can't see why I get an InvalidCastException


public class List<T> : IList<T>, ICollection<T>, 
    IEnumerable<T>, IEnumerable, IList, ICollection, IReadOnlyList<T>, IReadOnlyCollection<T>


public class List<T> : IList<T>, ICollection<T>, 
    IEnumerable<T>, IList, ICollection, IEnumerable
like image 811
DarkPixel Avatar asked Dec 20 '22 04:12


1 Answers

In 3.5, the IEnumerable<T> interface was not covariant. That was added in 4.0.

Covariance is required to cast to a type that is more derived, which is the case here (List<T> implements IEnumerable<T>).


like image 152
David L Avatar answered Dec 21 '22 18:12

David L