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Invalid value for field 'resource.sslCertificates[1]': ''. The URL is malformed

I am getting this error while creating loadbalancing which I assume https giving error. Do you have any idea how to fix, except getting another ssl certificate


like image 510
kerem Avatar asked Nov 07 '17 00:11


1 Answers

This bug is still present in Google Cloud as of June, 2020. Here's how to fix it:

The problem is caused when creating a load balancer with a TLS certificate. Upon creating the load balancer, if you expand "Additional certificates", an additional dropdown appears that says "Select a certificate". You must delete the box by pressing the X on the right before selecting "Less".

Creating a load balancer

Here is what it looks like expanded:

X out before proceeding

Make sure to "X" out all certificates that aren't set.

like image 123
Dylan Klomparens Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 00:11

Dylan Klomparens