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Invalid project name after IntelliJ update in Java Play SBT

I've recently updated IntelliJ to version 2018.2, and since the update, I keep getting this error when trying to start my Java Play SBT project:

BUILD_NUMBER not defined, setting version: 
[info] Loading settings from build.sbt ...
BUILD_NUMBER not defined, setting version: sbt.SettingKey$$anon$4@2ad8aeb5
[info] Set current project to [PROJECT_NAME] (in build file:/Users/username/Documents/Repos/[PROJECT_NAME]/)
[error] Not a valid project ID: [PROJECT_NAME]
[error] project [PROJECT_NAME]
[error]                      ^

I cannot find out why. I didn't change anything in my build.sbt or plugins.sbt files.

like image 424
Jonathan Perry Avatar asked Aug 02 '18 13:08

Jonathan Perry

1 Answers

Probably your project structure was changed after update. Check your project modules. In my case root module was renamed to project-id. Renaming back that module to root(this was specified in my run configuration) solved the issue.

enter image description here enter image description here

like image 178
Valerii Rusakov Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 11:11

Valerii Rusakov