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Invalid login token. Missing a required claim: aud when accessing AWS Cognito AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity

I've set up the user pool in Cognito and got the JWT token after authenticating the created user via cognito js sdk. And when I try to invoke the assumeRoleWithWebIdentity api it returns an error, below is the sample api call.


The api response,

<ErrorResponse xmlns="https://sts.amazonaws.com/doc/2011-06-15/">
<Message>Missing a required claim: aud</Message>

Would be great if I could know the root cause for this issue.

like image 440
Nirojan Selvanathan Avatar asked Apr 03 '18 06:04

Nirojan Selvanathan

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1 Answers

When the user is autheticated it gives an access token and ID token.

enter image description here

The issue occurs when you try to use the access token instead of the ID token.

like image 192
Nirojan Selvanathan Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11

Nirojan Selvanathan