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Intersecting texts to find common words

I'm trying to find out which would be the most optimal way of intersection a set of texts and find the common words in them. Given this scenario:

var t1 = 'My name is Mary-Ann, and I come from Kansas!';
var t2 = 'John, meet Mary, she comes from far away';
var t3 = 'Hi Mary-Ann, come here, nice to meet you!';

intersection result should be:

var result =["Mary"];

It should be able to ignore punctuation marks like .,!?-

Would a solution with regular expressions be optimal?

like image 471
maephisto Avatar asked May 28 '14 08:05


1 Answers

Here's a tested solution :

function intersect() {
   var set = {};
   [].forEach.call(arguments, function(a,i){
     var tokens = a.match(/\w+/g);
     if (!i) {
       tokens.forEach(function(t){ set[t]=1 });
     } else {
       for (var k in set){
         if (tokens.indexOf(k)<0) delete set[k];
   return Object.keys(set);

This function is variadic, you can call it with any number of texts :

console.log(intersect(t1, t2, t3)) // -> ["Mary"] 

console.log(intersect(t1, t2)) // -> ["Mary", "from"] 

console.log(intersect()) // -> [] 

If you need to support non English languages, then this regex won't be enough because of the poor support of Unicode in JavaScript regexes. Either you use a regex library or you define your regex by explicitly excluding characters as in a.match(/[^\s\-.,!?]+/g); (this will probably be enough for you) .

Detailed explanation :

The idea is to fill a set with the tokens of the first text and then remove from the set the tokens missing in the other texts.

  1. The set is a JavaScript object used as a map. Some purists would have used Object.create(null) to avoid a prototype, I like the simplicity of {}.
  2. As I want my function to be variadic, I use arguments instead of defining the passed texts as explicit arguments.
  3. arguments isn't a real array, so to iterate over it you need either a for loop or a trick like [].forEach.call. It works because arguments is "array-like".
  4. To tokenize, I simply use match to match words, nothing special here (see note above regarding better support of other languages, though)
  5. I use !i to check if it's the first text. In that case, I simply copy the tokens as properties in the set. A value must be used, I use 1. In the future, ES6 sets will make the intent more obvious here.
  6. For the following texts, I iterate over the elements of the sets (the keys) and I remove the ones which are not in the array of tokens (tokens.indexOf(k)<0)
  7. Finally, I return the elements of the sets because we want an array. The simplest solution is to use Object.keys.
like image 95
Denys Séguret Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 01:10

Denys Séguret