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Interpretation of results of "Energy Usage" instrument tool




I am running "energy usage" instrument over ios application using a device, I wanted to use it to check how much battery is getting drained because of the app I am testing. It shows "Energy usage level" which is giving me numbers like 13/20 , 12/20 , etc over different points of time.

How to interpret the results(I know, it gives relative energy usage on a scale of 0-20) in terms of :
1) How much battery is getting drained because of the app and particular operation.
2) Which operation / function is causing this drain.
3) What number is considered as safe and what number should be considered as high / too high.
4) Any other conclusion that we can make ?

I would appreciate if some one can answer above questions or give me link for reference. I have searched around and could not find answers to above questions, I just found how to find out those relative energy usage numbers only.

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Kabs Avatar asked Sep 24 '12 09:09


People also ask

How do you analyze electricity consumption?

To get specifics regarding your energy usage, you only need one tool, really: an electricity usage monitor that tells you exactly how many kWh a device or appliance is drawing. The monitor can be as simple as a "plug load" monitor that plugs into an outlet; then you plug the device/appliance into the monitor.

What is the instrument that is used to measure energy?

In addition to the measurement of energy consumed, energy meters can also record the energy produced by photovoltaic and wind parks. In the measurement of total energy, we have to add the power consumed over time. Energy meters measure current and voltage.

What means the verification monitoring analysis of use of energy?

Energy Audit is defined as “the verification, monitoring and analysis of use of energy including submission of technical report containing recommendations for improving energy efficiency with cost benefit analysis and an action plan to reduce energy consumption”.

How do you measure energy performance?

Energy efficiency is calculated by dividing the energy obtained (useful energy or energy output) by the initial energy (energy input). For example, a refrigerator has an energy efficiency of 20 to 50%, an incandescent bulb about 5%, a LED lamp over 30%, and a wind turbine 59% at most.

2 Answers

My 2 cents:

1) You can create a UIAutomation script to repeatedly run some actions, and collect 'energy usage' upon each action. So that you can say "if make a call of 5 minutes, it takes xxx battery", "if keep navigating for 5 minutes, it takes xxxx battery".....

2) As I mentioned above; You can collect data against each action

3) I would say, try to find similar apps, and bench mark, compare with theirs.

4) Try to use different devices, iOS, and you can probably tell customers that what device/iOS is minimal required or recommended.

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user1507485 Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09


Energy Diagnostics reports power consumption number (we call them "electricities" at my office) are fairly unreliable. Powergremlin gives you some insight into the actual numbers that make up said "electicity" units. That won't answer parts 2-4 of our question, but it does provide more detail and accuracy than Energy Diagnostics.

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Drew Stephens Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09

Drew Stephens