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Interpolate between two images

I'm trying to interpolate between two images in Python.

Images are of shapes (188, 188)

Image_1 Image_2

I wish to interpolate the image 'in-between' these two images. Say Image_1 is at location z=0 and Image_2 is at location z=2. I want the interpolated image at location z=1.

I believe this answer (MATLAB) contains a similar problem and solution.

Creating intermediate slices in a 3D MRI volume with MATLAB

I've tried to convert this code to Python as follows:

from scipy.interpolate import interpn
from scipy.interpolate import griddata

# Construct 3D volume from images
#    arr.shape = (2, 182, 182)
arr = np.r_['0,3', image_1, image_2]

slices,rows,cols = arr.shape

# Construct meshgrids
[X,Y,Z] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(cols), np.arange(rows), np.arange(slices));
[X2,Y2,Z2] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(cols), np.arange(rows), np.arange(slices*2));

# Run n-dim interpolation
Vi = interpn([X,Y,Z], arr, np.array([X1,Y1,Z1]).T)

However, this produces an error:

ValueError: The points in dimension 0 must be strictly ascending

I suspect I am not constructing my meshgrid(s) properly but am kind of lost on whether or not this approach is correct.

Any ideas?

---------- Edit -----------

Found some MATLAB code that appears to solve this problem:

Interpolating Between Two Planes in 3d space

I attempted to convert this to Python:

from scipy.ndimage.morphology import distance_transform_edt
from scipy.interpolate import interpn

def ndgrid(*args,**kwargs):
    Same as calling ``meshgrid`` with *indexing* = ``'ij'`` (see
    ``meshgrid`` for documentation).
    kwargs['indexing'] = 'ij'
    return np.meshgrid(*args,**kwargs)

def bwperim(bw, n=4):
    perim = bwperim(bw, n=4)
    Find the perimeter of objects in binary images.
    A pixel is part of an object perimeter if its value is one and there
    is at least one zero-valued pixel in its neighborhood.
    By default the neighborhood of a pixel is 4 nearest pixels, but
    if `n` is set to 8 the 8 nearest pixels will be considered.
      bw : A black-and-white image
      n : Connectivity. Must be 4 or 8 (default: 8)
      perim : A boolean image

    From Mahotas: http://nullege.com/codes/search/mahotas.bwperim

    if n not in (4,8):
        raise ValueError('mahotas.bwperim: n must be 4 or 8')
    rows,cols = bw.shape

    # Translate image by one pixel in all directions
    north = np.zeros((rows,cols))
    south = np.zeros((rows,cols))
    west = np.zeros((rows,cols))
    east = np.zeros((rows,cols))

    north[:-1,:] = bw[1:,:]
    south[1:,:]  = bw[:-1,:]
    west[:,:-1]  = bw[:,1:]
    east[:,1:]   = bw[:,:-1]
    idx = (north == bw) & \
          (south == bw) & \
          (west  == bw) & \
          (east  == bw)
    if n == 8:
        north_east = np.zeros((rows, cols))
        north_west = np.zeros((rows, cols))
        south_east = np.zeros((rows, cols))
        south_west = np.zeros((rows, cols))
        north_east[:-1, 1:]   = bw[1:, :-1]
        north_west[:-1, :-1] = bw[1:, 1:]
        south_east[1:, 1:]     = bw[:-1, :-1]
        south_west[1:, :-1]   = bw[:-1, 1:]
        idx &= (north_east == bw) & \
               (south_east == bw) & \
               (south_west == bw) & \
               (north_west == bw)
    return ~idx * bw

def signed_bwdist(im):
    Find perim and return masked image (signed/reversed)
    im = -bwdist(bwperim(im))*np.logical_not(im) + bwdist(bwperim(im))*im
    return im

def bwdist(im):
    Find distance map of image
    dist_im = distance_transform_edt(1-im)
    return dist_im

def interp_shape(top, bottom, num):
    if num<0 and round(num) == num:
        print("Error: number of slices to be interpolated must be   integer>0")

    top = signed_bwdist(top)
    bottom = signed_bwdist(bottom)

    r, c = top.shape
    t = num+2

    print("Rows - Cols - Slices")
    print(r, c, t)

    # rejoin top, bottom into a single array of shape (2, r, c)
    # MATLAB: cat(3,bottom,top)
    top_and_bottom = np.r_['0,3', top, bottom]
    #top_and_bottom = np.rollaxis(top_and_bottom, 0, 3)

    # create ndgrids 
    x,y,z = np.mgrid[0:r, 0:c, 0:t-1]  # existing data
    x1,y1,z1 = np.mgrid[0:r, 0:c, 0:t] # including new slice

    print("Shape x y z:", x.shape, y.shape, z.shape)
    print("Shape x1 y1 z1:", x1.shape, y1.shape, z1.shape)
    print(top_and_bottom.shape, len(x), len(y), len(z)) 

    # Do interpolation
    out = interpn((x,y,z), top_and_bottom, (x1,y1,z1))

    # MATLAB: out = out(:,:,2:end-1)>=0;
    array_lim = out[-1]-1    
    out[out[:,:,2:out] >= 0] = 1 

    return out

I call this as follows:

new_image = interp_shape(image_1,image_2, 1)

Im pretty sure this is 80% of the way there but I still get this error when running:

ValueError: The points in dimension 0 must be strictly ascending

Again, I am probably not constructing my meshes correctly. I believe np.mgrid should produce the same result as MATLABs ndgrid though.

Is there a better way to construct the ndgrid equivalents?

like image 351
0000101010 Avatar asked Feb 16 '18 00:02


People also ask

How do you interpolate an image?

Image interpolation is generally achieved through one of three methods: nearest neighbor, bilinear interpolation, or bicubic interpolation. Since each method has its own merits and challenges, the choice of appropriate method is based on state of affairs.

Why interpolation is used in image processing?

Image interpolation occurs when you resize or distort your image from one pixel grid to another. Image resizing is necessary when you need to increase or decrease the total number of pixels, whereas remapping can occur when you are correcting for lens distortion or rotating an image.

What does interpolated mean in photography?

Well, 'interpolated' comes from the term Interpolation which is a process where the number of pixels of an image is increased in volume. It's commonly used in digital photography to make large-scale high-quality prints.

How do you interpolate between two lines?

Know the formula for the linear interpolation process. The formula is y = y1 + ((x - x1) / (x2 - x1)) * (y2 - y1), where x is the known value, y is the unknown value, x1 and y1 are the coordinates that are below the known x value, and x2 and y2 are the coordinates that are above the x value.

2 Answers

I figured this out. Or at least a method that produces desirable results.

Based on: Interpolating Between Two Planes in 3d space

def signed_bwdist(im):
    Find perim and return masked image (signed/reversed)
    im = -bwdist(bwperim(im))*np.logical_not(im) + bwdist(bwperim(im))*im
    return im

def bwdist(im):
    Find distance map of image
    dist_im = distance_transform_edt(1-im)
    return dist_im

def interp_shape(top, bottom, precision):
    Interpolate between two contours

    Input: top 
            [X,Y] - Image of top contour (mask)
            [X,Y] - Image of bottom contour (mask)
             float  - % between the images to interpolate 
                Ex: num=0.5 - Interpolate the middle image between top and bottom image
    Output: out
            [X,Y] - Interpolated image at num (%) between top and bottom

    if precision>2:
        print("Error: Precision must be between 0 and 1 (float)")

    top = signed_bwdist(top)
    bottom = signed_bwdist(bottom)

    # row,cols definition
    r, c = top.shape

    # Reverse % indexing
    precision = 1+precision

    # rejoin top, bottom into a single array of shape (2, r, c)
    top_and_bottom = np.stack((top, bottom))

    # create ndgrids 
    points = (np.r_[0, 2], np.arange(r), np.arange(c))
    xi = np.rollaxis(np.mgrid[:r, :c], 0, 3).reshape((r**2, 2))
    xi = np.c_[np.full((r**2),precision), xi]

    # Interpolate for new plane
    out = interpn(points, top_and_bottom, xi)
    out = out.reshape((r, c))

    # Threshold distmap to values above 0
    out = out > 0

    return out

# Run interpolation
out = interp_shape(image_1,image_2, 0.5)

Example output: Example Output

like image 106
0000101010 Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 02:09


I came across a similar problem where I needed to interpolate the shift between frames where the change did not merely constitute a translation but also changes to the shape itself . I solved this problem by :

  • Using center_of_mass from scipy.ndimage.measurements to calculate the center of the object we want to move in each frame
  • Defining a continuous parameter t where t=0 first and t=1 last frame
  • Interpolate the motion between two nearest frames (with regard to a specific t value) by shifting the image back/forward via shift from scipy.ndimage.interpolation and overlaying them.

Here is the code:

def inter(images,t):
# images: list of arrays/frames ordered according to motion
# t: parameter ranging from 0 to 1 corresponding to first and last frame 
#returns: interpolated image

#direction of movement, assumed to be approx. linear 

#find index of two nearest frames 
arr=np.array([center_of_mass(images[i]) for i in range(len(images))])
v=a+t*(b-a) #convert t into vector 
idx1 = (np.linalg.norm((arr - v),axis=1)).argmin()
arr[idx1]=np.array([0,0]) #this is sloppy, should be changed if relevant values are near [0,0]
idx2 = (np.linalg.norm((arr - v),axis=1)).argmin()

if idx1>idx2:
    b=np.array(center_of_mass(images[idx1])) #center of mass of nearest contour
    a=np.array(center_of_mass(images[idx2])) #center of mass of second nearest contour
    tstar=np.linalg.norm(v-a)/np.linalg.norm(b-a) #define parameter ranging from 0 to 1 for interpolation between two nearest frames
    im1_shift=shift(images[idx2],(b-a)*tstar) #shift frame 1
    im2_shift=shift(images[idx1],-(b-a)*(1-tstar)) #shift frame 2
    return im1_shift+im2_shift #return average

if idx1<idx2:
    return im1_shift+im2_shift

Result example

like image 34
Saj Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 02:09
