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Internet Explorer xx.yy website issue

If you have site following this pattern(http://xx.yy/ ) internet explorer does not hold any cookies . Any solution ?

For example:

  • http://co.uk
  • http://gc.ca
  • http://on.ca
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Mite Mitreski Avatar asked Jul 27 '09 17:07

Mite Mitreski

2 Answers

This is essentially by-design. The workaround is to put a "www" before xx.yy.




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EricLaw Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 09:11



So this interested me, and Eric Law is correct, however I have another work around that he does not seem to have listed.

Instead of:


Make your url


Note '.' as suffix.

It will go to the same website, and, as far as I've just tested, you can set cookies on this domain.

I verified in IE6 using the JavaScript cookie-setting code here passing the domain as "aa.mk.".

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Noon Silk Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 09:11

Noon Silk