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Internet Explorer and its shortcomings (no Firebug-like debug tool)

I am using PHP/jQuery and JavaScript. I am testing the JavaScript code in Firefox using Firebug. Is there anything similar for Internet Explorer?

I am struggling to get it to look/work the same in Internet Explorer 7 and Internet Explorer 8.

Are there any tools to solve this? Or standards that I need to follow? And also, what debugger can be recommended?

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venkatachalam Avatar asked Feb 21 '09 07:02


3 Answers

Check this out:

Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar

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Paolo Bergantino Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 03:10

Paolo Bergantino

You can force IE8 to use the same rendering engine as IE7.

Chris Koenig from Microsoft explains it in a blog post

In terms of debuggers for IE I'd recommend Visual Studio Express. It's by far the best debugger for IE. While it's not as tightly integrated as Firebug, for raw JS debugging power it's king. You can set break points, step through code, and do all the normal things you'd want from a debugger. It doesn't have the HTML inspection of Firebug but the IE Developer Toolbar can help you there.

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sh1mmer Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 02:10


There is Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar which @Paolo Bergantino already mentioned. It is just as useful as Firebug. But another solution could be Firebug Lite which works for Internet Explorer, Opera, and Safari.

And a very creative way to implement it via bookmarklets is described in Firebug console for IE.

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Nikita Ignatov Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 04:10

Nikita Ignatov