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Internal Workings of C# Virtual and Override

The topic of how C# virtual and override mechanism works internally has been discussed to death amongst the programmers... but after half an hour on google, I cannot find an answer to the following question (see below):

Using a simple code:

public class BaseClass
  public virtual SayNo() { return "NO!!!"; }

public class SecondClass: BaseClass
  public override SayNo() { return "No."; }

public class ThirdClass: SecondClass
  public override SayNo() { return "No..."; }

class Program
  static void Main()
     ThirdClass thirdclass = new ThirdClass();
     string a = thirdclass.SayNo(); // this would return "No..."

     // Question: 
     // Is there a way, not using the "new" keyword and/or the "hide"
     // mechansim (i.e. not modifying the 3 classes above), can we somehow return
     // a string from the SecondClass or even the BaseClass only using the 
     // variable "third"?

     // I know the lines below won't get me to "NO!!!"
     BaseClass bc = (BaseClass)thirdclass;
     string b = bc.SayNo(); // this gives me "No..." but how to I get to "NO!!!"?

I think I can't get to the methods of base class or the intermediate derived class simply using the most derived instance (without modifying the method signatures of the 3 classes). But I would like to confirm and cement my understanding...


like image 845
henry000 Avatar asked Apr 15 '09 14:04


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1 Answers

C# can't do this but it is actually possible in IL using call instead of callvirt. You can thus work around C#'s limitation by using Reflection.Emit in combination with a DynamicMethod.

Here's a very simple example to illustrate how this works. If you really intend to use this, wrap it inside a nice function strive to make it work with different delegate types.

delegate string SayNoDelegate(BaseClass instance);

static void Main() {
    BaseClass target = new SecondClass();

    var method_args = new Type[] { typeof(BaseClass) };
    var pull = new DynamicMethod("pull", typeof(string), method_args);
    var method = typeof(BaseClass).GetMethod("SayNo", new Type[] {});
    var ilgen = pull.GetILGenerator();
    ilgen.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, method, null);

    var call = (SayNoDelegate)pull.CreateDelegate(typeof(SayNoDelegate));
    Console.WriteLine("callvirt, in C#: {0}", target.SayNo());
    Console.WriteLine("call, in IL: {0}", call(target));


callvirt, in C#: No.
call, in IL: NO!!!
like image 72
Konrad Rudolph Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09

Konrad Rudolph