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internal member in an interface

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What is internal interface?

(1) A connection to a device inside the computer's cabinet. Contrast with external interface. (2) A connection to the LAN side of a router.

What are the members of interface?

Interfaces can contain instance methods, properties, events, indexers, or any combination of those four member types. Interfaces may contain static constructors, fields, constants, or operators.

What are internal and external interfaces?

The internal interface is properties and methods that can be accessed only from other methods of the object, they are also called "private" (there are other terms, we will meet them further). The external interface is the properties and methods available outside the object, they are called "public".

Can interface contain members?

Yes, Interfaces CAN contain member variables. But these variables have to be implicitly (without any keyword definition) final, public and static. This means that within interfaces, one can only declare constants. You cannot declare instance variables using interfaces.

I think you don't understand what an interface is for. Interface is a contract. It specifies that an object behaves in a certain way. If an object implements an interface, it means that you can rely on it that it has all the interface's methods implemented.

Now, consider what would happen if there was an interface like you're asking for - public, but with one internal member. What would that mean? An external object could implement only the public methods, but not the internal one. When you would get such an external object, you would be able to call only the public methods, but not the internal one, because the object couldn't implement it. In other words - the contract would not be fulfilled. Not all of the methods would be implemented.

I think that the solution in this case is to split your interface in two. One interface would be public, and that's what your external objects would implement. The other interface would be internal and would contain your Save() and other internal methods. Perhaps this second interface could even inherit from the first. Your own internal objects would then implement both interfaces. This way you could even distinguish between external objects (ones that don't have the internal interface) and internal objects.

Make another interface that is internal, and use explicit implementation for the method.

internal interface InternalIAM
    void Save();

public class concreteIAM : InternalIAM
    void InternalIAM.Save()

I think the best thing to do would be to break the internal and public members into two separate interfaces. If you inherit the interfaces you can still declare the members publicly but the visibility of the internal members will be dictated by the visibility of the interface itself.

using System;

public interface IPublic
    void Public();

internal interface IInternal : IPublic
    void Internal();

public class Concrete : IInternal
    public void Internal() { }

    public void Public() { }

I don't think you should be using an interface here. Maybe you should be using an abstract base, something like:

public abstract class AM
    public int ID { get; set; }
    internal abstract void Save();

public class concreteIAM : AM
    internal override void Save()
        //Do some save stuff

Will still allow you to do this:

public class AMList : List<AM>
    public void SaveItems()
        foreach (var item in this)

It is exactly what I am talking about in my article Friends and internal interface members at no cost with coding to interfaces.

The essence from the article

public class Internal
    internal Internal() { }

public interface IAM
    int ID { get; set; }
    void Save(Internal access);

From now on, only your assembly can call the Save() method, since an instance of the Internal class can only be created by your assembly.

If you don't want external callers to be able to call your Save() method, why not make the whole concreteIAM class internal?

Or, if you want the class public, but not the interface, make the whole interface internal. I think an internal interface can be added to a public class (but I haven't tried it...)