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Interfaces with different getter and setter for the same propertie

I've made the following declaration for interfaces:

public interface IBasic
  int Data { get; }

public interface IChangeable : IBasic
  int Data { set; }

The compiler says that IChangeable.Data hides IBasic.Data. It's reasonable. The alternative I've found is:

public interface IBasic
  int Data { get; }

public interface IChangeable : IBasic
  void ChangeData(int value);

There is any way to define setter and getters for the same property on different hierarchy on interfaces? Or there are any alternatives to this approach?

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FerranB Avatar asked Oct 26 '09 12:10


1 Answers

You can re-declare it (or rather, tell the compiler that you intend to hide it):

public interface IChangeable : IBasic
  new int Data { set; }
class Foo : IChangeable
    private int value;
    int IBasic.Data { get { return value; } }
    int IChangeable.Data { set {this.value = value;}  }

But this is confusing, and you'll need to use explicit implementations etc, and probably a bit of casting at the caller if you want to use the hidden version. If you went this route, I would recommend exposing both the get and set on IChangeable:

public interface IChangeable : IBasic
    new int Data { get;  set; }
class Foo : IChangeable
    private int value;
    int IBasic.Data { get { return value; } }
    int IChangeable.Data { set { this.value = value; } get {return value; } }

Re the comments; to expose on the implementing type:

public interface IChangeable : IBasic
    new int Data { set; }
public interface IBasic
    int Data { get; }
class Foo : IChangeable
    private int data;
    public int Data {
        get { return data; }
        set { data = value; }

This would also work if you make it (which I prefer):

public interface IChangeable : IBasic
    new int Data { get; set; }
like image 132
Marc Gravell Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 17:10

Marc Gravell