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Interfaces with construct signatures not type checking



I've been playing a bit with interfaces with construct signatures in TypeScript, and I became a bit confused when the following failed to type check:

class Foo {
    constructor () {

interface Bar {
    new(): Bar;

function Baz(C : Bar) {
    return new C()

var o = Baz(Foo);

The type error is:

Supplied parameters do not match any signature of call target: Construct signatures of types 'new() => Foo' and 'Bar' are incompatible: Type 'Bar' requires a construct signature, but Type 'Foo' lacks one (C: Bar) => Bar

The type of Foo's constructor is () => Foo, and that is what I thought that Bar said. Am I missing something here?

like image 228
farre Avatar asked Oct 18 '12 10:10


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So an interface with a construct signature defines the signature of a constructor! The constructor of your class that should comply with the signature defined in the interface(think of it as the constructor implements the interface). It is like a factory!

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An interface type cannot be passed as a parameter. When running TypeScript code, you are really compiling it down to JavaScript and then running the JavaScript. An interface is a TypeScript compile-time construct, so at runtime, there is no such thing as an interface type to call functions on or inspect properties of.

2 Answers

Here is an updated version of your code with a subtle change.

We define the Bar interface with whatever functions and variables we expect to be present.

Next, we extend the Bar interface with the NewableBar interface. This just defined a constructor that returns a Bar.

Because Foo implements Bar and has a constructor and Baz requires a NewableBar, everything is checked.

This is a little more verbose than any - but gives you the checking you want.

interface Bar {


interface NewableBar extends Bar {

class Foo implements Bar {
    constructor () {


function Baz(C : NewableBar) {
    return new C()

var o = Baz(Foo);
like image 137
Fenton Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09


The problem (at least from the TypeScript compiler's point of view) is the signature of Bar's new method. If you replace the definition of Bar with the following,

interface Bar {
  new (): any;

it works. You might as well use new (): Foo, just Bar as return value does not work.

like image 24
Adrian Heine Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 20:09

Adrian Heine