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Interface Insanity

I'm drinking the coolade and loving it - interfaces, IoC, DI, TDD, etc. etc. Working out pretty well. But I'm finding I have to fight a tendency to make everything an interface! I have a factory which is an interface. Its methods return objects which could be interfaces (might make testing easier). Those objects are DI'ed interfaces to the services they need. What I'm finding is that keeping the interfaces in sync with the implementations is adding to the work - adding a method to a class means adding it to the class + the interface, mocks, etc.

Am I factoring the interfaces out too early? Are there best practices to know when something should return an interface vs. an object?

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n8wrl Avatar asked Mar 31 '09 12:03


3 Answers

Interfaces are useful when you want to mock an interaction between an object and one of its collaborators. However there is less value in an interface for an object which has internal state.

For example, say I have a service which talks to a repository in order to extract some domain object in order to manipulate it in some way.

There is definite design value in extracting an interface from the repository. My concrete implementation of the repository may well be strongly linked to NHibernate or ActiveRecord. By linking my service to the interface I get a clean separation from this implementation detail. It just so happens that I can also write super fast standalone unit tests for my service now that I can hand it a mock IRepository.

Considering the domain object which came back from the repository and which my service acts upon, there is less value. When I write test for my service, I will want to use a real domain object and check its state. E.g. after the call to service.AddSomething() I want to check that something was added to the domain object. I can test this by simple inspection of the state of the domain object. When I test my domain object in isolation, I don't need interfaces as I am only going to perform operations on the object and quiz it on its internal state. e.g. is it valid for my sheep to eat grass if it is sleeping?

In the first case, we are interested in interaction based testing. Interfaces help because we want to intercept the calls passing between the object under test and its collaborators with mocks. In the second case we are interested in state based testing. Interfaces don't help here. Try to be conscious of whether you are testing state or interactions and let that influence your interface or no interface decision.

Remember that (providing you have a copy of Resharper installed) it is extremely cheap to extract an interface later. It is also cheap to delete the interface and revert to a simpler class hierarchy if you decide that you didn't need that interface after all. My advice would be to start without interfaces and extract them on demand when you find that you want to mock the interaction.

When you bring IoC into the picture, then I would tend to extract more interfaces - but try to keep a lid on how many classes you shove into your IoC container. In general, you want to keep these restricted to largely stateless service objects.

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Stuart Caborn Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 11:10

Stuart Caborn

Sounds like you're suffering a little from BDUF.

Take it easy with the coolade and let it flow naturally.

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Ed Guiness Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 09:10

Ed Guiness

Remember that while flexibility is a worthy objective, added flexibility with IoC and DI (which to some extent are requirements for TDD) also increases complexity. The only point of flexibility is to make changes downstream quicker, cheaper or better. Each IoC/DI point increases complexity, and thus contributes to making changes elsewhere more difficult.

This is actually where you need a Big Design Up Front to some extent: identify what areas are most likely to change (and/or need extensive unit testing), and plan for flexibility there. Refactor to eliminate flexibility where changes are unlikely.

Now, I'm not saying that you can guess where flexibility will be needed with any kind of accuracy. You'll be wrong. But it's likely that you'll get something right. Where you later find you don't need flexibility, it can be factored out in maintenance. Where you need it, it can be factored in when adding features.

Now, areas which may or may not change depends on your business problem and IT environment. Here are some recurring areas.

  1. I'd always consider external interfaces where you integrate to other systems to be highly mutable.
  2. Whatever code provides a back end to the user interface will need to support change in the UI. However, plan for changes in functionality primarily: don't go overboard and plan for different UI technologies (such as supporting both a smart client and a web application – usage patterns will differ too much).
  3. On the other hand, coding for portability to different databases and platforms is usually a waste of time at least in corporate environments. Ask around and check what plans may exist to replace or upgrade technologies within the likely lifespan of your software.
  4. Changes to data content and formats are a tricky business: while data will occasionally change, most designs I've seen handle such changes poorly, and thus you get concrete entity classes used directly.

But only you can make the judgement of what might or should not change.

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Pontus Gagge Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 11:10

Pontus Gagge