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Intercept browser requests for resources



Is there any way in which one could load an initial script (a file at the top of the page) that then attempts to intercept all other requests for resources (scripts, css, images, etc.) as the page continues to load?

The purpose of this interception is to instead serve the files from cache (localStorage, indexedDB, other) or even from a remote peer via webrtc in an agnostic manner that does not depend on how the application/page is put together.

I'm aware of cache manifest/offline approaches but the point here is to grab the requested resource and proxy it from a location of choice.

like image 584
Xaxis Avatar asked Oct 22 '14 20:10


People also ask

What is HTTP intercepting?

HTTP traffic passing through the proxy server can be intercepted. An intercepted request or response means the roundtrip is halted by the server, awaiting manual action. Stalled requests/responses can be inspected and (optionally) edited, before letting them continue to be sent/received.

1 Answers

Maybe can use PerformanceObserver.

const observer2 = new PerformanceObserver((entries) => {
  entries.getEntriesByType("resource").forEach(res => console.log(res.toJSON()))
observer2.observe({ entryTypes: ["resource"] });

// {name: "http://localhost:8080/1.1.0/img/my_arrow_top.9283728e.svg", entryType: "resource", startTime: 3266.3399999946705, duration: 26.8900000010035, initiatorType: "img", …}
// {name: "http://localhost:8080/1.1.0/img/my_icon.f210d94a.svg", entryType: "resource", startTime: 3266.9349999996484, duration: 44.04000000067754, initiatorType: "img", …}
// {name: "http://localhost:8080/1.1.0/img/my_list_bill.90ea3a37.svg", entryType: "resource", startTime: 3267.26499999495, duration: 46.875, initiatorType: "img", …}
// {name: "http://localhost:8080/1.1.0/img/list_arrow.46347d10.svg", entryType: "resource", startTime: 3268.0749999999534, duration: 49.924999999348074, initiatorType: "img", …}
// {name: "http://localhost:8080/1.1.0/img/my_list_card.fa9a853c.svg", entryType: "resource", startTime: 3269.0549999970244, duration: 53.15500000142492, initiatorType: "img", …}
// {name: "http://localhost:8080/1.1.0/img/my_list_invite.89c26861.svg", entryType: "resource", startTime: 3270.7399999999325, duration: 56.94499999663094, initiatorType: "img", …}
// {name: "http://localhost:8080/1.1.0/img/my_list_loan.ebbd740a.svg", entryType: "resource", startTime: 3271.2849999952596, duration: 60.380000002624, initiatorType: "img", …}
// {name: "http://localhost:8080/1.1.0/img/my_list_about.cacfe7f5.svg", entryType: "resource", startTime: 3271.7199999970035, duration: 61.67000000277767, initiatorType: "img", …

like image 160
zheng Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 08:09
