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IntelliJ: Working on multiple projects

We build in maven multiple projects (let's name them A,B,C). Project A uses .jar of project B which uses .jar of project C.

I am modifying codes of all A/B/C projects, (A is MVC app, B are business services and C is some shared layer).

The thing is, in Eclipse/NetBeans I can see all of them at once and it's comfortable to modify them. In IDEA though, I have to open 3 instances (or n instances) of IntelliJ IDEA.

Am I missing something? Is there better approach when using IntelliJ? This is the biggest downside of IntelliJ for me atm.

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Xorty Avatar asked Jan 07 '12 23:01


People also ask

Can we have multiple projects in Intellij?

2), you can add any number of separate Maven projects to the same "workspace". The simplest way I've found to do this is to click the little + icon in the "Maven Projects" window (View > Tool Windows > Maven Projects) and then select the additional pom file you want to import.

How do I switch between multiple projects in Intellij?

If you have several opened projects at the same time, you can switch between them using the following options: Switch to the next project window: Ctrl+Alt+] (Window | Next Project Window) Switch to the previous project window: Ctrl+Alt+[ (Window | Previous Project Window)

How do I view all projects in Intellij?

To open the tool window again (and restore the associated features), use the main menu: View | Tool Windows | <Window Name> or press Alt+1 . Hide the tool window. This command opens the description of the Project tool window in the IntelliJ IDEA online help.

Can I run multiple instances of Intellij?

You can switch between opened projects using Ctrl+Alt+] (next project) and Ctrl+Alt+[ (previous project). This opens new window of same instance of Intellij. eg: open project settings in one project, try to do same in the other one.

2 Answers

I think this has improved with recent versions of IntelliJ. In my current version (12.0.2), you can add any number of separate Maven projects to the same "workspace".

The simplest way I've found to do this is to click the little + icon in the "Maven Projects" window (View > Tool Windows > Maven Projects) and then select the additional pom file you want to import.

like image 155
Viktor Nordling Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 10:10

Viktor Nordling

Step 1: Open "Maven Projects"

enter image description here

Step 2: Select the project you want to import:

enter image description here

like image 36
Tho Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 11:10
