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Intellij with TestNG report generation

I am not able to generate report using TestNG+Intellij 12, also provided out path in Run configuration. I have even updated to TestNG 6.8 by this way : https://stackoverflow.com/a/13452828/1434611

Can anyone provide some input if you are able to generate reports.


like image 786
Anoop Avatar asked Mar 17 '13 04:03


People also ask

Where is TestNG report generated in IntelliJ?

You can add Listener like "EmailableReporter" or "FailedReporter" in the "Run Configurations", it will generate test-output directory in your workspace. Show activity on this post. On the "Listeners tab", Use default listeners should be checked. And Output directory should be set correctly.

Can we use TestNG in IntelliJ?

In IntelliJ IDEA, you can add VM options, use another JDK, or enable code coverage using run configurations. You can create multiple configurations for the same test class or test suite with different settings and compare the results. For TestNG, you can configure the listener that will generate reports for you.

1 Answers

Check on Use default reporters option Check on Use default reporters option which will create test-output folder in your root folder with all reports.

like image 164
ShiyamTJ Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 03:09
