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Intellij uexpected quote behaivor

When I start typing a quoted text I hit " and begin typing my text. At the end I hit again " to close the quote.

However, what happens next is completely wrong and annoying.
enter image description here
In the picture above the ending quote is underlined. In order to fix it I have to type any character to make it go away. The typed character is not printed and the underline form " goes away.

When I don't do this and now put the cursor to another position in the code while the " is still underlined and start typing again the first character at the new cursor position is the ". The " where it was before is removed or moved to the new cursor position.

Animated Gif showing quote problem

How can have a normal quote behavior? I couldn't find any other quote setting in the config.

Btw. The Insert pair quotes setting is disabled

Intellij 13.1.5, MacOS 10.9

like image 977
Vad1mo Avatar asked Oct 28 '14 10:10


1 Answers

Normally I use a US layout to hack and the German layout for anything else.

I always wondered what is the actual difference between the US Layout and US International (PC) layout. Turns out, that the described problem in my question is one of those differences.

After switching from US International (PC) to US Layout, the problem is gone.

like image 133
Vad1mo Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 07:11
