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IntelliJ read remote server log file

Do you have any idea how can I setup my Remote configuration to display a log file on the server instead of on my local machine?

On the edit configuration screen (Logs tab) I have the option to show a log file, but only logs from my machine, not from the remote server.

enter image description here

I don't mind if I have to install any plugin for it, but until now I couldn't find any that did what I want.


like image 853
João Santos Avatar asked May 19 '15 09:05

João Santos

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1 Answers

See this JetBrains plugin. I've just installed it myself. You can create a remote debug session from Intellij with your server and than point the logs with Log4JPlugin.

For remote debug connections check this

Hope it helps!

like image 74
bogdan.rusu Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 00:09
