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Intellij, prevent messages pop up on make build

So, I have the autobuild plugin. But, it is annoying that if there are errors, on each save, the messages box with errors keeps popping up. Yes, I know there are errors. Let me take care of them myself. In between I might save. So, leave me alone.

I save to update the errors in the editor. But, I do not need the messages view for that. I can type ALT + 0 myself.

Is there a way to disable the messages popup or do I have to shoot myself?

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mjs Avatar asked Oct 10 '12 10:10


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How do I view error messages in IntelliJ IDEA?

When an error occurs during the build process, IntelliJ IDEA displays an error message with the line and column number that could be easily located. If IntelliJ IDEA can locate the error place, it displays a link that you can click and navigate to the needed line in the editor.

How do I get the result of a build in IntelliJ?

IntelliJ IDEA displays the result of your build in the Build Output tab. Depending on a project, the build output shows tasks, goals, and commands that were executed and error messages that were produced. By default, the tab also displays all successful steps and warnings. From the main menu, select Build | Build Project Ctrl+F9.

How to navigate to the correct line in IntelliJ IDEA?

If IntelliJ IDEA can locate the error place, it displays a link that you can click and navigate to the needed line in the editor. When the Build tool window displays multi errors or warnings, it enables you to navigate between the next or the previous problem from the context menu or using the Ctrl+Alt+Down and Ctrl+Alt+Up shortcuts.

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Please open Help > Find Action, type Registry, run it. Find ide.disable.editor.tooltips - set a checkmark against it. Restart IDE - you should no longer get inspection pop-ups.

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1 Answers

I know this one is old, but hopefully this will still help somebody:

Current IDEA version have

Settings => Appearance & Behavior => Notifications

You can fine tune what events cause which type of notification or disable balloon notifications completely.

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Stephen Friedrich Avatar answered Jan 28 '23 19:01

Stephen Friedrich