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IntelliJ Plugin Get Code From Current Open File

Basically, I want to know how to do this (Eclipse Plugin Get Code from Current Open File) in IntelliJ.

like image 586
nrubin29 Avatar asked Jul 29 '13 03:07


Video Answer

2 Answers

Just in case somebody is looking for this - if you want the file name of the currently open file, you have to jump through some additional hoops:

Document currentDoc = FileEditorManager.getInstance(project).getSelectedTextEditor().getDocument();
VirtualFile currentFile = FileDocumentManager.getInstance().getFile(currentDoc);
String fileName = currentFile.getPath()

(found this by entering "getSelectedTextEditor filename" in Github search - sometimes all you need is a pointer in the right direction...)

like image 191
rob74 Avatar answered Jan 21 '23 00:01


In what context? If you are inside an action, you can simply take everything from the ActionEvent, for example:


(When e is AnActionEvent).

Otherwise, you can get it from the project:

like image 23
axelrod Avatar answered Jan 21 '23 00:01
