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IntelliJ Idea Terminal broken with Windows 10

I've installed windows 10 and the terminal doesn't work in IntelliJ IDEA. I can open a new terminal, but I can't write.

enter image description here

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callmemath Avatar asked Jul 30 '15 06:07


People also ask

How do I get my terminal back in IntelliJ?

From the main menu, select View | Tool Windows | Terminal or press Alt+F12 .

How do I stop a terminal from running in IntelliJ?

You can run a process with ⌃R (macOS), or Shift+F10 (Windows/Linux). To stop a process, you can use ⌘F2 on macOS, or Ctrl+F2 on Windows/Linux.

1 Answers

According to the Terminal help page comments, there is a bug report and a workaround:

Terminal works in Windows 10 if you use legacy console. To do so, open a command prompt window, right click on the title, then select Properties. At the bottom, check "Use legacy console". Confirm the dialog. Go back to the IDE and launch a new Terminal. It should work.

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seanhodges Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09
