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Intellij IDEA show javadoc automatically

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How do I display javadoc in IntelliJ?

Use View | Quick Documentation or the corresponding keyboard shortcut (by default: Ctrl + Q on Windows/Linux and Ctrl + J on macOS or F1 in the recent IDE versions). See the documentation for more information. +1, could not find Preferences in IntelliJ Idea CE for Android. It is CTRL+J on Mac.

How do I create an automatic javadoc?

In the Package Explorer view, select a Java project and click Project > Generate Javadoc with Diagrams > Automatically. In the Generate Javadoc wizard, under Javadoc command, select the Javadoc command (an executable file).

How do I find the generated javadoc?

Accessing the Javadoc from NetbeansSelect the desired package, class or method name, right-click and select Show Javadoc. This will launch your default web browser and navigate to the Javadoc for the selected item.

How do I open javadoc jar in IntelliJ?

Here are two fast and easy ways to add Javadoc to IntelliJ so you can see it using the "Quick Documentation" feature: simply hover your mouse on any piece of code or use the Quick Documentation shortcut key, Ctrl+Q for Linux or Windows and F1 on macOS!

Settings | Editor | General |Code Completion | Autopopup documentation in (ms).

Settings screenshot

UPDATE: latest versions have an option to show JavaDoc on mouse move.

File -> Settings -> Editor -> Code completion.

Check Autopopup documentation in (ms) and choose delay.

Show Javadoc in IntelliJ IDEA 14:

  • When you write code:

    File -> Settings -> Editor -> General -> Code Completion -> Autopopup documentation in (ms)

It's only available when you press CTRL+SPACE It's more usable if you select the pin icon when it popups. The documentation window will be added to the tabs on the right. Later on I recommend to resize the window and to uncheck the Pinned property.

  • On mouse hover:

    File -> Settings -> Editor -> General -> Show quick documentation on mouse move