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Intellij IDEA plus sign when String wrap

I'm using Intellij IDEA 10.5 Community. If I have a long String and want to split in in mulitple lines I press ENTER key in the middle of a String and get this:

String str = "ONE LONG" +              "STRING"; 

Is it possible to put the + sign in the beginning of the line, like this:

String str = "ONE LONG"              + "STRING"; 
like image 529
kovica Avatar asked Jun 20 '11 08:06


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Should be on a new line IntelliJ?

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1 Answers

Settings (Preferences on macOS) | Editor | Code Style | Java | Wrapping and Braces | Binary expressions | Operation sign on next line:

Operation sign on next line

like image 113
CrazyCoder Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09
