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IntelliJ IDEA - New Template

I'm trying to create a set of custom file templates for IntelliJ.

I basically want to go right-click, "New > My File Template" similar to the "New > Java Class" bundled with IntelliJ.

I've added my own custom file template via "Settings > File Templates", but they don't appear in my "New" context menu.

This is a Java project, and my templates extension is java. Am I missing something?

All help greatly appreciated.

enter image description here

No My Template >>>

enter image description here

like image 738
Kong Avatar asked Jun 21 '11 02:06


1 Answers

If you select Java Class you can then choose the template for your new class. This is a new feature, it used to be available when selecting New.


like image 187
telm Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 00:09
