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Intellij Idea files with a red circle

My Intellij Idea file names in the Project Explorer all have a small Red circle with "J" written on them. What would that represent?

like image 643
Hello Avatar asked May 08 '15 19:05


People also ask

Why file is showing red in IntelliJ?

It means that the files exist locally, but are not in the repository, and are not scheduled for addition. With other words, the files are not under version control. There is not really a problem since the files can just be added to the VCS if desired.

Why is my folder orange in IntelliJ?

Orange is the color for excluded folders. IntelliJ excludes indirect dependencies automatically as you shouldn't be importing those. Also, having the indirect dependencies excluded also speeds up the search.

How do I fix read-only files in IntelliJ?

To toggle read-only attribute of a file, open file in the editor, or select it in the Project tool window. Do one of the following: On the main menu, choose File | File Properties | Make File Read-Only , or Make File Writable .

1 Answers

IntelliJ recognises that this is a java file, but it's not marked as part of the project source. Check that your project is following the maven standards, and if not configure the pom to tell it where your sources are. You can fix this temporarily in IntelliJ by right clicking on the source root (that's 'java' in the maven standards) and choosing to 'Mark Directory As --> Source Root'

like image 153
Software Engineer Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 10:10

Software Engineer