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IntelliJ IDEA "Cannot find 'require'"

When using the Ruby plug-in with IntelliJ, what "undefined reference" warnings should I expect/tolerate, and which indicate that I don't have something configured correctly?

For example, I am getting "Cannot find" warnings for 'require', 'File', and 'FileUtils'. I suspect that this indicates a configuration problem.

I am also getting warnings for RSpec methods like 'describe', 'before', 'after, and 'it'. Should I also be able to configure IntelliJ to "find" these?

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Zack Avatar asked Mar 29 '16 13:03


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1 Answers

You need to select the Ruby SDK in the Project Strucure (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S by default).

Unfortunately it does not solve the warnings for rspec related words.

like image 65
Jeremie Zazoun Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09

Jeremie Zazoun