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IntelliJ IDEA - Address localhost:1099 is already in use

I try to launch a web application with IntelliJ IDEA, but I get an error: localhost:1099 already in use.

port 1099 is already in use

I checked the port 1099 with lsof -i:1099 and many other relative commands, so I'm pretty sure the port 1099 is free.

This is my running configuration:


I've also changed the JMX port to 6666 & 6667 & 6668... and it doesn't work, so I think it's not really related to the port itself.

I am so confused... did anyone else have this problem?

Any help is appreciated

like image 611
zmou-d Avatar asked Aug 17 '16 01:08


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1 Answers

Since it is easy to tackle with Command Prompt. You can do the following. I assume you work on Windows.

Open the CMD and type following.

netstat -aon | find "1099" 

If a process uses above port, it should return something output like this.

TCP    xxx.xx.xx.xx:1099      xx.xx.xx.xxx:443      ESTABLISHED     2222 

The last column value (2222) is referred to the Process ID (PID).

Just KILL it as follows.

taskkill /F /PID 2222 

Now you can start your server.

like image 51
Dulith De Costa Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 07:09

Dulith De Costa