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IntelliJ: How to configure dictionary that is already under version control?

We have a dictionary in version control under the path eclipse/spelling/german.dic. The only way I know to use that dictionary within IDEA is adding it as a Custom Dictionary.

So every developer has to configure the dictionary by hand after cloning the repository. Is there a way to avoid that? Can there be an .idea/where.ever, that tells IDEA to use the dictionary located under the given project-local path?

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Frank Neblung Avatar asked Jun 29 '18 06:06

Frank Neblung

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Add files to VCSOpen the Commit tool window Alt+0 . Put any files in the Unversioned Files changelist under version control by pressing Ctrl+Alt+A or selecting Add to VCS from the context menu. You can either add the entire changelist, or select separate files.

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Go to File | Settings | Version Control and click - . This will disable the VCS and list it under Unregistered roots: If you really want to get rid of that Unregistered roots: entry and all of the tracking information, go to your project folder and delete the .. \projectDir\.

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1 Answers

Application-level dictionary can be found at: {IDE installation directory}/config/options/cachedDictionary.xml

Project-level dictionary: {Project root}/.idea/dictionaries/%username%.xml

The dictionaries files are created by IDEs automatically when you apply "Save To" quick-fix or modify Settings | Spelling | Accepted words table.

Additionally dictionaries files may be opened in editor from Settings | Spelling | Dictionaries table by clicking Edit button as well: enter image description here

For more details please visit: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/spelling.html

Only project-level dictionaries may be shared between developers via VCS. Please see How to manage projects under Version Control Systems.

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Andrey Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 19:10
