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Intellij deprecation warning for java.util.HashMap

IntelliJ seems to think that the no-arg constructor of java.util.HashMap is deprecated, as judged by the style in which it marks up the constructor name:

enter image description here

How can I fix it, if I don't want to disable inspections?

UPD: IntelliJ seems to think that the java.util.HashMap class is deprecated

enter image description here

like image 986
xrtm000 Avatar asked Jun 02 '17 18:06


1 Answers

I had this issue with java.util.List marked as deprecated. Somehow I had marked it as such via an "external annotation".

To remove it:

  • Click through to the source (in my case java.util.List)
  • There should be a @ beside the type, click on it ...
  • Deannotate java.lang.Deprecated

The external annotation on List

like image 179
Rob Bygrave Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 05:10

Rob Bygrave