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IntelliJ - Copy only visible text after code folding?


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How do you collapse a block of code in IntelliJ?

Expand or collapse code elements To collapse or expand all code fragments, press Ctrl+Shift+NumPad - / Ctrl+Shift+NumPad + . IntelliJ IDEA collapses or expands all fragments within the selection, or, if nothing is selected, all fragments in the current file, for example, all methods in a file.

How do I move a block of code to the left in IntelliJ?

I can shift a line of code or a block of code in Eclipse by the following way: Focus a line or select a block of source code. Source menu -> Click "Shift Left" or "Shift Right"

How do I copy a whole line in IntelliJ?

Duplicate the current line or selectionPress Ctrl+D or choose Edit | Duplicate Line or Selection from the main menu . Alternatively, you can press Ctrl+Shift+A , start typing the command name in the popup, and then choose it there.

Is it possible to fold large blocks of code in IntellJ, select a section of code that encloses the folded section, and only copy the text that is visible?

For instance, if I have a JSON file like:

    "list1" : [
    "list2" : [

and I fold the lists so the IDE displays them as:

    "list1" : [...],
    "list2" : [...]

Is there a way to copy ONLY the text displayed above? Regular copy includes the code that is hidden from view.