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Intellij can't find JDK



I couldn't find any other answers on StackOverflow on this. I just installed Intellij, and it can't find my JDK for some reason.

Here's what I did:

Install Java JDK 9.0.1

  1. Open Intellij
  2. Open new project
  3. Clicked "new" button beside the find SDK.
  4. Found my java 9.0.1 bin folder under Program Files. It didn't work.
  5. Tried java 8.something folder under Program Files (86x). It didn't work.
  6. Went into advanced system settings and edited the path variable to the new java 9.0.1 bin as per (https://classroom.udacity.com/courses/ud282/lessons/8186340458/concepts/900a2a40-3921-4604-a258-c11ec355003c).
  7. Now I can't even open Intellij. It just says: Cannot start under Java 1.7.0_79-b15: Java 1.8 or later is required.

Note: I also have Android studio and Netbean and both have been working no problem. Heard Intellij was better than Netbean so tried using it for the first time.

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cozimo Avatar asked Mar 07 '23 12:03


1 Answers

you do not need to select the bin folder just select the path where Java is installed. Go to project structure (ctrl+alt+shift+s) and add new sdk refer to below pic for details. enter image description here

like image 65
Ravik Avatar answered Mar 16 '23 00:03
