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IntelliJ cannot find any declarations

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How to fix cannot find declaration to go to in IntelliJ?

The reason IntelliJ couldn't find declarations was that the subprojects were not built. After investigating why subprojects were not built, I found out that using "auto-import" was breaking the subprojects. After importing the project from build. gradle without auto-import, it worked for me.

How do I get to the declaration in IntelliJ?

Choose Navigate | Go to Declaration in the main menu, press F12 , or click the symbol while holding the Ctrl key.

How do I mark a folder as root in IntelliJ?

From the main menu, select File | Project Structure Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S and click Project Settings | Modules. Select the necessary module and then open the Sources tab in the right-hand part of the dialog. Click Add Content Root and specify the folder that you want to add as a new content root. ).

I had this same problem, and @AniaG's solution in the comments worked for me.

  • Right-click src folder
  • Mark Directory as > Sources Root

enter image description here

I faced the same issue and spent almost 15-16 tiring hours to clean, rebuild, invalidate-cache, upgrade Idea from 16.3 to 17.2, all in vain. We have a Maven managed project and the build used to be successful but just couldn't navigate between declaration/implementations as Idea couldn't see the files.

After endlessly trying to fix this, it finally dawned to me that it's the IDEA settings causing all the headache. This is what I did (Windows system):

  1. Exit IDE
  2. Recursively delete all .iml files from project directory del /s /q "C:\Dev\trunk\*.iml"
  3. Find and delete all .idea folders
  4. Delete contents of the caches, index, and LocalHistory folders under <user_home>\.IntelliJIdea2017.2\system
  5. Open Idea and import project ....

VOILAAAAAAAAAAAA...!! I hope this helps a poor soul in pain

I had the same issue with idea and I was trying to open a maven project but the pom files where not identified. So right clicking on the pom file and choosing "add as maven project" did all the magic for me :)

Had the same problem. But only on my own methods.
Just fixed it by invalidating cache: (File-> Invalidate Caches/Restart)