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IntelliJ and Android Gradle dependencies - unable to find module

I have following directory structure:

    |   build.gradle
    |   settings.gradle

Android module depends on all of java gradle projects that are at the same level in root directory as AndroidProject.

In AndroidProject/settings.gradle I have:

include ':AndroidModule'

include 'javaGradleProject1'
project(':javaGradleProject1').projectDir = new File(rootDir, '../javaGradleProject1')

include 'javaGradleProject2'
project(':javaGradleProject2').projectDir = new File(rootDir, '../javaGradleProject2')

include 'javaGradleProject2'
project(':javaGradleProject2').projectDir = new File(rootDir, '../javaGradleProject2')

And then in AndroidProject/AndroidModule/build.gradle I have dependencies set like this:

compile project(':javaGradleProject1')
compile project(':javaGradleProject2')
compile project(':javaGradleProject3')

This structure of dependency perfectly works and project builds when I invoke

gradle build

on AndroidProject/build.gradle.

But when I try to synchronize my IntelliJ with current gradle dependency settings I receive

Error: Unable to find module with Gradle path ':javaGradleProject1'
Error: Unable to find module with Gradle path ':javaGradleProject2'
Error: Unable to find module with Gradle path ':javaGradleProject3'

and because of that my project cannot be run from Run Configurations (it does not compile at all in IDE). I was trying to add these dependencies manually by hitting F4 and module dependencies but after synchronization all of my changes are overwritten (actually, IntelliJ just removes it).

Is there anything wrong in my gradle structure?

I have tested it on IntelliJ IDEA 14.1.4 and Android Studio 1.3.

like image 791
P. Grosicki Avatar asked Aug 18 '15 11:08

P. Grosicki

People also ask

Where are Gradle dependencies in Intellij?

To view Gradle dependencies as a diagram, click on the Show Dependencies icon on the Gradle tool window toolbar or use the shortcut Alt+Shift+Ctrl+U on Linux and Windows / Alt+Shift+Cmd+U on macOS.

Where do I put dependencies in Intellij?

Add a new dependencyFrom the main menu, select File | Project Structure Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S and click Modules | Dependencies. Alt+Insert and select a dependency type: JARs or directories: select a Java archive or a directory from files on your computer.

1 Answers

I was able to solve this by deleting the settings.gradle file from every Gradle project that I wanted to use as dependency (clearing the contents of this file was not enough).

NOTE: As I have little knowledge of Gradle and Android Studio, I cannot provide information about why the presence of this file does not allow Android Studio to include the Gradle project as a module.

like image 168
Alex Barceló Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 22:11

Alex Barceló