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Integrity checksum failure while installing API Connect toolkit #apiconnect

I'm getting the following error while installing API Connect toolkit:

sha1-UhOHSxsj+deaxi0QbjKXDirzcn8= integrity checksum failed when using sha1: wanted sha1-UhOHSxsj+deaxi0QbjKXDirzcn8= but got sha1-208ds/bfbkHrcce1kMfz2sLUPhs=. (627039 bytes)

Node version:- 6.10.3 NPM version:- 5.0.1

I'm trying to install API Connect toolkit on a windows 7 workstation (64-bit) using npm install -g apiconnect command.

What could be the next steps for fixing this issue ?

like image 267
Ravi Bhatt Avatar asked Jun 02 '17 14:06

Ravi Bhatt

1 Answers

I encountered this issue, fortunately, I find the solution in Github:

this is caused by the package-lock.json,

so I delete it: rm package-lock.json

enter image description here

then I execute the npm install it works for me.

like image 156
aircraft Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 11:10
