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Integration testing Azure Service Bus with Docker

What is an appropriate way to integration test systems that use ASB? With something like Kafka and using docker-compose, I could spin up two services that will communicate asynchronously over Kafka. Is there a way to do something similar with ASB? If not, what is a common integration testing pattern?

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ksigmund Avatar asked Sep 01 '17 20:09


1 Answers

The pricing model for Service Bus has 12.5 million operations per month included for free. Past that, it's less than a dollar per millions of messages sent. With these kinds of services it should be simple for you to spin up and tear down instances with absolutely zero cost to you as part of integration tests.

NUnit, for example provides the [OneTimeSetup] and [OneTimeTearDown] methods which you could use as part of an integration test suite to provision and subsequently delete a Service Bus instance.

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Jesse Carter Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 08:09

Jesse Carter