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Integration of simple_form with bootstrap 3

I've updated bootstrap to version 3. Everything works fine except the forms which are generated by simple_form gem. I don't know how could I integrate these two together. I can't find any helpful suggestion in the github project repository either. So does anyone have a solution for me ?

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Amir Hoseinian Avatar asked Sep 21 '13 17:09

Amir Hoseinian

2 Answers

There's a blog post here http://stabco.tumblr.com/post/59760641051/simple-form-bootstrap3-integration that looks like a good solution. It updates the initializer to suit bootstrap 3.

like image 132
Edward Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 00:11


This gist was very helpful to me:



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codenoob Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 23:10
