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Integrating Emacs org-mode with email?


Has anyone does this successfully? I searched a lot but didn't find anything which worked. Before spending time myself, I just want to ask if someone has done this and would be willing to share it. :) For example, I would like to email the agenda to myself daily, reminders when a task is nearing deadline, etc.

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n1kh1lp Avatar asked Mar 31 '10 13:03


People also ask

How do I sync org mode?

Open a new buffer, switch to org-mode ( M-x org-mode ). To import a document in a new buffer you can just run M-x os . It prompts you for an URL. Org-sync should import the issues from the repo.

How do I use org Mode in Emacs?

Emacs does not actually understand you are editing an Org document, yet. To enable Org mode on your current document, type M-x org-mode which will enable the Org mode on the current document. Those are minuses, not underscores.

Does Org mode come with Emacs?

Emacs has included Org Mode as a major mode by default since 2006. Bastien Guerry is the current maintainer, in cooperation with an active development community. Since its success in Emacs, some other systems now provide functions to work with org files.

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1 Answers

If you're looking for a separate non-emacs application that will integrate well with emacs in org-mode, I would say no, you're probably not not going to find anything. If you really like the emacs way of doing things, I would suggest trying out Gnus for your email. If you've ever used any of the old terminal based emails, it's a pretty similar interface. It has POP and IMAP support, so you can get your email from exchange servers and gmail.

If you're using capture in org-mode (see http://orgmode.org/manual/Using-capture.html#Using-capture), you can easily add a Todo item (or really anything) with a link back to the email, and switching between your email and agenda views becomes seamless.

For IMAP support, see https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/gnus/Using-IMAP.html
For Gmail support, see http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/GnusGmail

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falcojr Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09
