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Integrating Angular.js with Node.js (Express+Tower.js)

I am new to node. I very much like approach of AngularJS. I like what I see in towerjs.

Has Anyone wired the two together? I have in mind tower primarily for backend api/rest and angular for clientside.

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Larry Eitel Avatar asked Jul 19 '12 13:07

Larry Eitel

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1 Answers

I'm especially not familiar with tower.js, but from the docs it looks like it might not be practical to use the two together. There is quite a bit of overlap in the things AngularJS provides and the things tower.js provides (especially models, views, and controllers on the client).

I've written on how to use AngularJS with a RESTful API provided by Express on my blog. Maybe that can help you get started.

Good luck! :)

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btford Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 11:09
