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Integrate Elasticsearch with PostgreSQL while using Sails.js with Waterline ORM

I am trying to integrate Elasticsearch with Sails.js and my database isn't MongoDB: I use PostgreSQL, so this post doesn't help.

I have installed Elasticsearch on my Ubuntu box and now it's running successfully. I also installed this package on my Sails project, but I cannot create indexes on my existing models.

How can I define indexes on my models, and how can I search using Elasticsearch inside my Models?

What are the hooks which I need to define it inside models?

like image 631
Ahmed farag mostafa Avatar asked Mar 12 '23 02:03

Ahmed farag mostafa

1 Answers

Here you could find a pretty straightforward package (sails-elastic). It operates by configs directly from elasticsearch itself.

Elasticsearch docs and index creation in particular

like image 95
Clamoris Avatar answered Mar 14 '23 16:03
