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Integer to float


This code works:

posToXY :: Float -> Float -> Integer posToXY a b = do         let y = a / b         round y 

But this doesn't work:

posToXY :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer posToXY a b = do         let y = a / b         round y 

I understand that operation '/' doesn't define for Integer type, but I don't know how to fix code to work with Integer parameters.

like image 718
ceth Avatar asked Oct 19 '10 12:10


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1 Answers

If you want to perform fractional division, you can convert from any Integral type using fromIntegral, or fromInteger to convert only from Integer specifically.

There are similar functions relating to other numeric type classes: toRational, fromRational, realToFrac, etc. And of course you can convert fractional types back to integral types using round, floor, ceiling, or such.

And finally, on the off chance that you actually wanted integer division, instead of fractional division with rounding afterwards, there's the div and quot functions (depending on what truncation behavior you want).

Also, you probably should write your function as something like posToXY a b = round $ a / b. The unnecessary do and multiple lines makes it harder to read.

like image 62
C. A. McCann Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 02:10

C. A. McCann