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Integer overflow and undefined behavior



There are many questions about detection of the integer overflow BEFORE the actual addition/substraction because of possible undefined behavior. So, my question is

Why it will produce this undefined behavior in the first place?

I can think of 2 causes:

1) A processor that generates exception in this case. Sure, it can be toggled off, and most probably a well written CRT will do that.

2) A processor that uses other binary representations of numbers (1's complement? base 10?). In that case the undefined behavior will manifest itself as different result (but will not crash!). Well, we could live with that.

So, why should someone avoid causing it? Am I missing something?

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ruslik Avatar asked Oct 16 '10 10:10


People also ask

Why is integer overflow undefined?

A computation involving unsigned operands can never overflow, because a result that cannot be represented by the resulting unsigned integer type is reduced modulo the number that is one greater than the largest value that can be represented by the resulting type.

What happens when an integer overflows?

An integer overflow occurs when you attempt to store inside an integer variable a value that is larger than the maximum value the variable can hold. The C standard defines this situation as undefined behavior (meaning that anything might happen).

What is undefined behavior C++?

When we run a code, sometimes we see absurd results instead of expected output. So, in C/C++ programming, undefined behavior means when the program fails to compile, or it may execute incorrectly, either crashes or generates incorrect results, or when it may fortuitously do exactly what the programmer intended.

What is integer overflow example?

An integer overflow can cause the value to wrap and become negative, which violates the program's assumption and may lead to unexpected behavior (for example, 8-bit integer addition of 127 + 1 results in −128, a two's complement of 128).

1 Answers

While the historical reason signed overflow was specified as undefined behavior was probably these bogus legacy representations (ones complement/sign-magnitude) and overflow interrupts, the modern reason for it to remain undefined behavior is optimization. As J-16 SDiZ hinted at, the fact that signed overflow is undefined behavior allows the compiler to optimize out some conditionals whose algebraic truth (but not necessarily representation-level truth) are already established by a previous branch. It may also allow the compiler to algebraically simplify some expressions (especially those involving multiplication or division) in ways that could give different results than the originally-written order of evaluation if a subexpression contains an overflow, since the compiler is allowed to assume that overflow does not happen with the operands you've given it.

The other huge example of undefined behavior for the purpose of permitting optimization is the aliasing rules.

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R.. GitHub STOP HELPING ICE Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 02:10