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int to Long parsing error



  class Test{  
    static void testCase_1(long l){System.out.println("Long");}  
    static void testCase_2(Long l){System.out.println("Long");}

    public static void main(String args[]){  
        int a = 30; 

        testCase_1(a);  // Working fine
        testCase_2(a);  // Compilation time error

        //Exception - The method testCase_2(Long) in the type Test is not applicable for the arguments (int)

testCase - 1 : int - long working fine

testCase - 2 : int to Long throwing an exception

Why testCase_2() method throwing an compilation exception?

like image 550
Shiladittya Chakraborty Avatar asked Dec 11 '22 19:12

Shiladittya Chakraborty

1 Answers

When you do


you are passing an int instead of a long, widening primitive conversion is happening.

In the second case


you cannot convert a primitive to an object. Autoboxing/unboxing doesn't work because Long is not a wrapper of int.

like image 140
Suresh Atta Avatar answered Dec 23 '22 23:12

Suresh Atta