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Instructions to setup Launch4j for jar file


People also ask

How do I make a jar file executable?

The jar (Java Archive) tool of JDK provides the facility to create the executable jar file. An executable jar file calls the main method of the class if you double click it. To create the executable jar file, you need to create . mf file, also known as manifest file.

Which file contains all settings configurations for the launch4j application?

Launch4j requires an xml configuration file for each output executable. You can create and edit it conveniently using the graphic user interface or your favorite editor. Alternatively it's possible to pass all of the configuration parameters through the Ant task.

I have created my project in U:/myproject where all the java stuff is installed in C: Drive. the jar file i created through netbeans is in u:/myproject/dist/myproject.jar. Could some one provided me the clean instructions of how to setup the launch4j and do i have to create a .exe file first?

or if i just sign the jar file, i will get this errror

output.exe is not a valid win32 application