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InStr(1, cell.Value, "-") doesn't seem to be working with Not




I have a conditional that doesn't seem to work.

If Not InStr(1, cell.Value, "-") Then
    'Do Something
    'Do something else
End If

Where cell.Value are either numbers in a spreadsheet with a dash: "6621-123", or without a dash: "555321"

The first If let's both through and the Else is ignored. Any ideas why this isn't working?

like image 812
Justin L. Avatar asked Jan 07 '16 16:01

Justin L.

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1 Answers

InStr returns 0 on no match (not -1 as VBA string indexes are 1 based) and not 0 is true (-1); so are all other possible values > 0 that can be returned.

If InStr(1, cell.Value, "-") = 0 Then
    '// not present
    '// present  
like image 181
Alex K. Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 03:10

Alex K.