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instantiate object with reflection using constructor arguments

I'm trying to figure out how to instantiate a case class object with reflection. Is there any support for this? The closest I've come is looking at scala.reflect.Invocation, but this seems more for executing methods that are a part of an object.

case class MyClass(id:Long, name:String)

def instantiate[T](className:String)(args:Any*) : T = { //your code here }

Is close to the API I'm looking for.

Any help would be appreciated.

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justin Avatar asked Oct 29 '09 01:10


People also ask

How do you instantiate a class using reflection?

We can use newInstance() method on the constructor object to instantiate a new instance of the class. Since we use reflection when we don't have the classes information at compile time, we can assign it to Object and then further use reflection to access it's fields and invoke it's methods.

Can a constructor accept arguments?

You can pass an argument of any data type into a method or a constructor. This includes primitive data types, such as doubles, floats, and integers, as you saw in the computePayment method, and reference data types, such as classes and arrays. Here's an example of a factory method that accepts an array as an argument.

What is arguments constructor?

It is used to prevent a specific constructor from being called implicitly when constructing an object. For example, without the explicit keyword, the following code is valid C++: Array a = 10; This will call the Array single-argument constructor with the integer argument of 10.

1 Answers

scala> case class Foo(id:Long, name:String)
defined class Foo

scala> val constructor = classOf[Foo].getConstructors()(0)
constructor: java.lang.reflect.Constructor[_] = public Foo(long,java.lang.String)

scala> val args = Array[AnyRef](new java.lang.Integer(1), "Foobar")
args: Array[AnyRef] = Array(1, Foobar)

scala> val instance = constructor.newInstance(args:_*).asInstanceOf[Foo]
instance: Foo = Foo(1,Foobar)

scala> instance.id
res12: Long = 1

scala> instance.name
res13: String = Foobar

scala> instance.getClass
res14: java.lang.Class[_] = class Foo

Currently there is not much reflection support in Scala. But you can fall back to th Java Reflection API. But there are some obstacles:

  • You have to create a Array[AnyRef] and box your "primitive types" in the wrapper classes (java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Character, java.lang.Double, ...)

  • newInstance(Object ... args) gets an varargs array of Object, so you should give the type inferer a hint with :_*

  • newInstance(...) returns an Object so you have to cast it back with asInstanceOf[T]

The closest I could get to your instantiate function is this:

def instantiate(clazz: java.lang.Class[_])(args:AnyRef*): AnyRef = {
  val constructor = clazz.getConstructors()(0)
  return constructor.newInstance(args:_*).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]

val instance = instantiate(classOf[MyClass])(new java.lang.Integer(42), "foo")
println(instance)           // prints: MyClass(42,foo)
println(instance.getClass)  // prints: class MyClass

You cannot get the get class from a generic type. Java erases it (type erasure).

Edit: 20 September 2012

Three years on, the instantiate method can be improved to return a properly typed object.

def instantiate[T](clazz: java.lang.Class[T])(args:AnyRef*): T = {
  val constructor = clazz.getConstructors()(0)
  return constructor.newInstance(args:_*).asInstanceOf[T]

See http://www.nabble.com/How-do-I-get-the-class-of-a-Generic--td20873455.html

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khyox Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09
