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Installing NBviewer on local computer And use it to view Notebooks from local network computer

Im trying to introduce IPyhton notebook in my work. I want others colleagues in the local network to be able to see notebook Im sharing with them in their broswer or other solution.

Following this question, I understood that the only solution I will be satisfied with would be viewing notebooks in nbviewer and not in HTML like solutions.

Question is, how doI install nbviewer and how do I set it up to accept viewing request in the LAN. the instructions listed here are not working anymore since nbconvert is now a part of IPython and the code is no longer in github.

Does anybody know how to do that?

like image 745
idoda Avatar asked Nov 12 '22 22:11


1 Answers

Nbviewer could be installed locally same as before, it will just pick-up the nbconvert library from IPython 1.0 if it is installed on the same machine.

Supposing your ipynb are availlable on a local address, (Eg: http://local-comany/foo.ipynb) and nbviewer is hosted on (http://local-nbviewer/) then open the url http://local-nbviewer/url/local-company/foo.ipynb will work. (it will also work on notebook public on the internet)

The only requirement is that your nbviewer is hosted on a server that has access to the ipynb you like to share. For any url of type : http://local-nbviewer/url/<something>.ipynb nbviewr will try to fetch http://<something>.ipynb and render it.

like image 128
Matt Avatar answered Dec 04 '22 05:12
